Friday, 30 December 2016

Impervious Drip Tips

For those out there that vape, drip tips are either something you buy to customise your mod, or you keep the stock drip tip. I tend to fall into the latter. However, this week I bought a new drip tip from which claimed "No Hot Spit - Self Cleaning - Antibacterial- Customisable - Certified Safe".

I'd never heard of Impervious Drip Tips before, until saw Victor Mullin review them on his Vaping With Vic YouTube Channel. I trust Vic and he gave a glowing review for a hygenic drip tip that prevented spitback. So I headed straight to and purchased 3 drip tips (2 black, 1 silver).

I gave one to my wife for her tank, and I kept the other 2. Putting 1 on my Smok Baby Beast (with RBA deck) and the other on my Wotofo Sapor. The first thing I noticed was that it was quite a tight draw, but there is a ball in the middle which is designed to prevent spitback, so this wasn't a major concern as I kind of expected a tight draw.

The second thing I noticed was I had a lot of e-liquid in my mouth. This shouldn't be happening, especially from a company who's name literally means "not allowing fluid to pass through". Remember, I bought THREE of these drip tips. I tried both of my drip tips on various tanks & drippers and various mods at various temperatures, and still this kept happening. I asked my wife what her experience was like with her drip tip, unsurprisingly she complained of lots of e-liquid going into her mouth also.

So the problem isn't with me, my vaping style, my mods or tanks because I'm not the only person I know experiencing this problem. We've both gone back to our stock drip tips, which is a real shame because I really wanted this to be an amazing product.

My message to Impervious is up your game or change your name. Until then, I cannot recommend this product to anyone.

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